If your question is not answered here, please don't hesitate to contact us

Why do we use the blue bags instead of wheelie bins?

Ours is a "user pays" system in the Kaipara District and the most cost effective way to collect the waste. Bags are more convenient for the majority of the public and lead to less waste going into landfill as you only fill the bag not a great big wheelie bin.

Will we be moving to wheelie bins anytime soon?

The council is considering introducing a ratepayer funded system but are waiting until the government confirms the way forward for waste and recycling. When/if that happens eligible households would be supplied with a wheelie bin to use. In the meantime the blue bags are the solution - or if you are in the Dargaville area, you can hire a bin from us.

Have the size of the blue bags changed over time (have they gotten smaller?)

Nope! They have been same size for last 20 years.

How big are the bags?

They are 60ltrs.

Why did we do away with stickers on bags?

Due to misuse of stickers (ie - putting them on oversized bags) most councils have done away with stickers.

Why do some other councils have kerbside bins for free?

The urban myth of free recycling and waste bins! No council provides them for free - they are charged for in annual rates.

The blue bags keep splitting - can we have better quality bags?

The bags do undergo quality control- ie bag thickness tests and a drop test. Please ensure you don't overfill the bags, and that "sharp" edges of things are not impacting the bags. If you have ongoing concerns with them, please contact us directly and describe the issue as thoroughly as you can.

Why are the yellow bags so small?

A bag of bottles or paper can weigh up to 10kgs, a larger bag obviously much more, so the size of the bag is to ensure the health and safety of our staff.

The yellow bags seem to tear easily - can we have better quality bags?

The bags do undergo quality control- ie bag thickness tests and a drop test. Please ensure you don't overfill the bags, and that "sharp" edges of things are not impacting the bags. If you have ongoing concerns with them, please contact us directly and describe the issue as thoroughly as you can.

​Have the yellow bags gotten smaller?

No - they are the same size as they were when we introduced recycling bags.

Are we still moving to bins for recycling? If so, when?

The current Kaipara District Council have voted to put this on hold and don't plan to implement it until at least 2026. This decision is outside of our control as the contractor to the council.

​Do your trucks drop the yellow bags off sometimes to be picked up by another truck? I have noticed piles of them on my road weekly.

Our landfill rubbish trucks will pick up recycling bags in the areas that our recycling trucks don’t go, then they drop them off where the recycling truck can collect them. They are there for a maximum of a day.